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Family Maintenance and Protection Planning

Your estate plan should address many of the following family maintenance and protection issues:

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  • Who could best serve as guardians for minor children, providing the necessary care, love and nurturing environment;
  • How could “continuing trusts” be utilized to safeguard inheritances for minor beneficiaries or other beneficiaries who lack the ability to manage their inheritances;
  • Addressing issues unique to the elderly (Elder Law)
  • How can inheritances for adult beneficiaries be held in trust so as to protect them from potential future divorces, lawsuits, creditors and predators;
  • What types of activities, life styles, work ethics, etc. do you desire to incent;
  • How can you minimize the potential risk of “affluenza” or “sudden wealth syndrome” for beneficiaries who are going to receive sizeable inheritances;
  • What if the intended beneficiaries have (or may develop) “special needs” or disabilities.

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de Ondarza Simmons, PLLC is committed to answering your questions about Business Law, Real Estate Litigation, Estate Planning Local Counsel, and Personal Injury law issues in North Carolina.

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