Contact Us for a Consultation (984) 837-0361

North Carolina Bar Association Referral Intake

For clients referred to us by the North Carolina Bar Association, please complete the brief intake form and we will be in contact with you to schedule your initial consultation.  

The use of the Internet or this form as means of contacting this firm or any individual attorney of this firm will not establish an attorney‐client relationship, thus do not use this form to submit confidential or time‐sensitive information. Whether you are a new or existing client of the firm, de Ondarza Simmons PLLC cannot represent you on any new matter until the firm has made a determination that there is no conflict of interest and that it is willing and otherwise able to accept the new engagement. Unless and until de Ondarza Simmons PLLC has informed you it is willing and able to accept your new matter, do not send the firm any information or documents that you consider private or confidential.  

Contact Us Today

de Ondarza Simmons, PLLC is committed to answering your questions about Business Law, Real Estate Litigation, Estate Planning Local Counsel, and Personal Injury law issues in North Carolina.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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