Exceptional Legal Services Personalized to Your and Your Business's Needs
Business Law
Having the correct Business Structure in place will prevent excessive taxation and shield business owners from liability. Recent tax law changes have benefited corporations and businesses should review their structure and taxation to optimize their profit.
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Local Trial Counsel
Lawyers who are not licensed to practice law in North Carolina may have clients with lawsuits here in Raleigh either in Wake County State Court or in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina (the “EDNC”). If you are such a lawyer, you may only represent your clients here pursuant to specific rules.
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Real Estate Litigation
Litigation involving real estate can be over a boundary dispute, defect to your title that requires an action “to remove cloud” on your title, taking of your property by eminent domain and/or forcing the sale of jointly owned property.
Learn More - adverse possession
Learn More - Partition actions
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Consumer Litigation
Consumers have the right to be informed of transactions for purchases, finances, banking, and contracts so that they can make educated decisions when entering in a contract or making a purchase. Unfortunately, there are businesses that fail to inform the consumer or charge unauthorized fees.
Class Action Litigation
A class action is a procedural device that permits one or more plaintiffs to file and prosecute a lawsuit on behalf of a larger group, or “class”. Put simply, the device allows courts to manage lawsuits that would otherwise be unmanageable if each class member (individuals who have suffered the same wrong at the hands of the defendant) were required to be joined in the lawsuit as a named plaintiff