Eminent Domain in North Carolina
One of our focus practice areas is eminent domain in North Carolina. Not long ago, in an NCDOT eminent domain case in Monroe, North Carolina in Union County, we were able to get our client almost twice as much as the NCDOT's deposit.
No one is happy when the NCDOT is taking your land, but Mary was very happy with the actual just compensation we were able to get for her. Afterward, she wanted to share the following recommendation for other property owners might be facing the NCDOT taking their land in Union County or elsewhere in North Carolina:
Eminent Domain, client recommends de Ondarza SimmonsNCDOT was taking part of my land to build a very large bridge over the road in front of my home in Union County.
Some people told me I shouldn't bother hiring a lawyer, but I am glad I hired Inez.She came to meet with me and to see my property. She found the best appraiser for my case and came back to see me with him. She met the appraiser at my house and showed him all around my property, what the NCDOT was taking, and the enormous bridge project that was eating up part of my land.
During her visits, Inez took lots of photos and videos, and I gave her others that I had taken also. She sorted through them all and used the best ones to make a presentation at our mediation with the DOT's lawyer and negotiator. Inez's presentation was outstanding and really brought home the damage this project was doing to my property.
Inez worked very hard on my case and stayed in contact with me by telephone and email. We settled my case at mediation, and I was very happy with the result.
If the NCDOT is taking your land, I recommend you hire Inez to represent you.
— Mary N.
— Monroe, North Carolina
Of course, this is not the only feedback we have received, and each case is unique and must be evaluated on its individual merits. So, prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Our Guarantee to Our Clients
We cannot guarantee a particular outcome for your matter. We only guarantee you will receive our very best efforts in working hard to aggressively represent you and your business and real estate interests.
Are facing an eminent domain case now?
You may be facing an eminent domain case by the NCDOT, a municipality like Charlotte or Holly Springs, or another condemning authority, like a school board, Progress Energy, or even an airport or transit authority. That is never fun, especially if you are new to the unusual eminent domain process and laws here in North Carolina. But we would be happy to discuss your case with you and let you know we can help you get the best possible result.
Personal Attention & Written Preliminary Case Analysis
Ms. de Ondarza Simmons will personally sit down with you, or if it is more convenient for you, we will set up a Skype or telephone conference call. Afterward, we will provide you with a written preliminary case analysis that sets out our fee and an estimate of the costs and fees for your case. That way, you will have a clear, written plan for the path forward for your case.
TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT to discuss your eminent domain case and get your written preliminary case analysis, you should click here.
Our Clients Tell Us . . .
To read other testimonials, reviews, and recommendations for Inez de Ondarza Simmons from clients and other lawyers, you should click here.
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